Like all Christians, members of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church are empowered by the Holy Bible, but unlike others we are not always well understood. We have established this website to tell you more about us – our beliefs and values, our fellowship, and the many ways we engage with our local and global communities.
While our faith permeates all aspects of our lives, and some would describe us as traditional, that doesn’t mean we are that different to anyone else.
We have computers and mobiles. We study at school then go on to technical or university education via correspondence, so we can earn while we learn. We pay our taxes. The women of our community are respected and work in their family business, volunteer for our charity work and are involved in their local schools.
We do some things differently.
We don’t watch TV for entertainment but we do use it for educational programs in our schools. The same applies for computers. All PBCC members own computers so we are always up to date with the news and what is happening in the world, but we don’t use these for entertainment. Individual members do not use social media accounts but PBCC businesses use social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. And we go to church every day.